Projects /

Kofola Jupík

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Before signing up for Kofola’s Jupík commercial, we had never animated a TV ad for a major brand before. 

Symbio – the agency handling the project – were in the same boat. They had no experience animating cartoon characters. So this gig was a first for both of us, marking a significant milestone in our portfolios.

The challenge

In this case, the major challenge was the tight time frame we were given to produce the ad, coupled with the agency’s limited experience in helming this kind of project. 

In addition to the high expectations of the ad director, the unforgiving deadline meant that every mistake, problem, or error was magnified. The pressure was on, with no room for error.

The task

We were tasked with providing complete animation for the ad’s four characters, including lighting and rendering.

How we went about it

Our team was a mix of in-house artists and remote talent. The spot’s director was physically present with our team in Prague. To navigate the complexity of the project, an external production team was hired with whom we stayed in constant contact. 

After realising the agency was taken aback by the project’s complexity, we proactively stepped in to plan out the schedule, working with the agency to justify changes to the client. Sticking to this approach was crucial in aligning expectations.

The result

To everyone’s satisfaction, production was completed on time and, most importantly, to a high standard. Plus, the agency scored its first cartoon character portfolio while learning the production ropes in the process.

This positive experience paved the way for our next joint project, SAZKA – Fast Ducks, which went without a hitch.

Our contribution

We threw down the anchor for the client when it mattered most, steering the project to a successful conclusion.